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"I experienced what I later came to recognize as a Divine Discontent. Though I couldn't pinpoint what was missing, I felt an undeniable sense that there was more and that I was destined to become more."

Your support team

jennifer Christine

I felt that discontent, a sense of restlessness stirring within me. There was so much I wanted from life, yet I didn't know where to begin. I certainly didn't feel like I had a support system in place.


My nervous system was on high alert, signaling the need for change...and indeed, I did create change.

My journey began with discovering a spiritual practice and learning about Universal Laws, deepening my understanding of the Self.

The next significant change was the end of my first marriage. Though it was the most challenging experience I had ever faced, it led me to truly know and love myself. We often receive the help we need when we are most desperate. In my sadness, I sought support and grew. I healed and became strategic in my next steps.

This transformation ignited my passion for helping others find clarity and create meaningful change in their pursuit of joy—not just fleeting happiness, but true joy.

Does my story sound familiar to you?


Education & Experience

If you asked me when I was nine years old what I wanted to be when I grew up, I'd tell you, "I want to be a therapist!"


I was clear at an early age about my purpose. I earned a degree in psychology as an undergraduate and my Master's degree in Clinical Psychology in 2003. I have worked in mental health for two decades which has played a role in becoming who I always wanted to be.

Becoming a mother in 2004 led to an exploration of the wider world of spiritual and energy psychology. I am now certified in EFT, HBLU, Enneagram, and Q-Process Coaching.


I love learning and am always reading and researching new ways to explore and understand the journey of life.


Today, as a Mastery Method Certified Life Coach and ICF (almost) Certified professional, I bring this wealth of experience and passion to my coaching practice, helping others find clarity and fulfillment.

"You're always one decision away from a totally different life." –Mark Batterson

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Santa Barbara, California

Certified by the Institute for Coaching Mastery
Guest speaking event at the Malibu Association of Realtors. Speaking on self-care and mental health wellness

Copyright © 2024 Jennifer Christine Coaching LLC. Site design by Lindsey McKenzie Creative.


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